Meet your SAIC Bargaining Committee!
The members of the AICWU SAIC Bargaining Team — nominated by you, their coworkers at the school — have shared a little bit about themselves, their work, and their aspirations for our first union contract. Get to know our amazing colleagues here!
Job Title: Facilities Manager, IRFM
How long have you worked at SAIC? 3 and a half years!
What do you do? I recently transitioned from the mailroom to facilities services; now I get to help maintain our campus. I worked as a facilities technician during undergrad and look back at that time with fondness; now I get to provide that experience to a new generation of students!
What’s one of your goals for the AICWU SAIC Bargaining Committee? The staff is the lifeblood of this school and the past two years, especially, have proven that. We’ve all made innumerable sacrifices because of how much we love this community and I plan to honor that by fighting for, and winning, our first contract.
Job Title: Assistant Director, Career & Professional Experience
How long have you worked at SAIC? 5 years
What do you do? I manage the office operations including student workers, office maintenance, and budget. I also oversee the virtual resources, data collection, and assessment (First Destination Survey).
What’s one of your goals for the AICWU SAIC Bargaining Committee? I am so excited to be a voice for my colleagues as we bargain for better wages and more equitable practices! I wanted to be on this committee to help folks feel heard. We will truly be successful when we genuinely listen to one another to get strong representation which creates a strong contract across the board!
Job Title: Systems Administrator - CRIT
How long have you worked at SAIC? 14 years
What do you do? I build and manage servers that offer licensing, computer/software deployment, and building systems, which support the school's technology infrastructure.
What’s one of your goals for the AICWU SAIC Bargaining Committee? I'm excited to be closely involved in such a formative process for the school. As a union, we can guide that process in a direction that will improve everyone's experience, including more and improved benefit options, opportunities for growth, and better communication with management.
Job Title: Administrative Assistant, Academic Operations
How long have you worked at SAIC? 2 and a half years.
What do you do? I help facilitate day-to-day departmental operations; organize special events; and manage spaces, protocols, and student employees for the Writing Department and Writing Center. I love making learning happen!
What’s one of your goals for the AICWU SAIC Bargaining Committee? I'm excited to advocate for the part-time and entry-level perspectives at the School. I believe that the School has the potential to do better by its employees, and look forward to working together with the Bargaining Team to make that happen—so that we all feel safe, respected, and valued in our positions.
Job Title: Performance Dept Technical Manager
How long have you worked at SAIC? Full-Time for 4 years, part-time for a bit before. Performance Dept Alum from 2015.
What do you do? I support faculty and students in Performance Department courses, maintain our performance spaces and classrooms in both MacLean and 280, manage and maintain our equipment and serve as Technical Director for the IMPACT Thesis Festival and all other Perf Dept events. My favorite thing about my job is working with student-artists to articulate and realize their visions of new performance projects at SAIC.
What’s one of your goals for the AICWU SAIC Bargaining Committee? I see my role in the bargaining committee as a representative of the cares and concerns of co-workers that are not present at the upcoming negotiations. I want to continue to be a better listener and to help to strengthen a sense of collective action and empowerment across staff at SAIC.
Job Title: Multi-Platform Help Desk Specialist
How long have you worked at SAIC? 2.5 years
What do you do? Assist SAIC community with Tier 1 tech support. I enjoy the problem-solving the most.
What’s one of your goals for the AICWU SAIC Bargaining Committee? I am excited to fight and be a voice for the community, ensuring all our voices are heard while working towards a more equitable workplace.
Job Title: Material Source Manager (IRFM)
How long have you worked at SAIC? 10 years
What do you do? I source and manage logistics of a variety of materials that are sold at our storefronts to SAIC students. I like how every day is different. I get to do everything from purchasing, receiving deliveries, and managing inventory, to training student workers.
What’s one of your goals for the AICWU SAIC Bargaining Committee? I'm excited to address the needs and concerns of my fellow staff. Together, we can advocate for a fairer and more equitable environment for everyone.
Job Title: Supervisor, Sullivan Fabrication Studio (IRFM)
How long have you worked at SAIC? Five months!
What do you do? I help oversee the Sullivan Fabrication Studio. My favorite part of my job is the students! I love being able to provide them with the technical knowledge and fabrication skills to grow into the next generation of artists and designers. They in turn keep me on my toes and constantly challenge me to keep it fresh!
What’s one of your goals for the AICWU SAIC Bargaining Committee? I’m excited about working together with my co-workers to create a more transparent and equitable workplace. I believe that the institution should take care of its employees as much as we take care of the institution!
Job Title: Receptionist
How long have you worked at SAIC? 9 years
What do you do? I manage front office of Admissions and all incoming traffic including visitors, emails and phones.
What’s one of your goals for the AICWU SAIC Bargaining Committee? All workers deserve respect. Having SAIC provide a living wage and job security will be a reflection of this respect. I look forward to helping make this happen.
Job Title: Internship Coordinator and Career Advisor
How long have you worked at SAIC? 9 months
What do you do? I manage the CAPX Internship Program and advise students on professional development.
What’s one of your goals for the AICWU SAIC Bargaining Committee? I want to empower and connect with my coworkers.
Job Title: Enrollment Marketing & Operations - Admissions Technology Specialist
How long have you worked at SAIC? 9 months
What do you do? I get student data into our CRM so we can communicate with them, as well as help monitor the admissions inbox and send out text communications around events and deadlines. One of my favorite things to do is help package and mail admit packets. It feels great to be sending out huge crates of good news. I also absolutely love the team of folks I get to work with.
What’s one of your goals for the AICWU SAIC Bargaining Committee? I'm really excited to help make sure the folks I work with are heard and respected. Together, we can make sure that everyone is represented and treated equitably, that our conversations around pay, benefits, and working conditions happen out in the open and not individually, behind closed doors.